Thursday, February 26, 2009

Speaker Questions

Next Tuesday we are going to be blessed to have Karen Hughes speaking at MOPs. She wants to know what your questions are in regards to baby/toddler care, scheduling & Routines, naps, nutrition/feeding or anything related to medical health. Please leave your questions in the comments and I will forward them onto Karen!


Sara said...

Mine son is transitioning into toddlerhood and there is so many referneces for babies but not a whole lot out their for toddlers. I love more info on baby proofing, language developement, constructive play, time management for house moms, picky eaters, etc. Thanks!

Sara said...

Oh and maybe some displining tips, anger management for moms

Anonymous said...

What can we do to help our babies sleep through the night?

Does it help to stretch feedings further apart? What about babies that cluster-feed a few times a day.. should we discourage this or does it help them sleep through the night?

Do they need to be on a rigid schedule in order to sleep for a long stretch at night? What are the most important things to know about routines/schedules?

If you let a baby cry at naptime/bedtime will they have issues with abandonment?

Are there certain foods you should avoid while breastfeeding? What are they?

Is there anything that can clear up baby acne? What about cradle cap?

Anonymous said...

What can we do to help our babies sleep through the night?

Does it help to stretch feedings further apart? What about babies that cluster-feed a few times a day.. should we discourage this or does it help them sleep through the night?

Do they need to be on a rigid schedule in order to sleep for a long stretch at night? What are the most important things to know about routines/schedules?

If you let a baby cry at naptime/bedtime will they have issues with abandonment?

Are there certain foods you should avoid while breastfeeding? What are they?

Is there anything that can clear up baby acne? What about cradle cap?