Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Free Photo Book -Snapfish

I happened to watch the episode today about de-cluttering your house on the Oprah show. A neat idea that Peter Walsh showed was to scan or take a digital picture of your kids favorite artwork and then put it in a photo album. If you would like and have time the next couple of days you might want to make one of these because you can get it for free, besides the shipping and handling costs.

You go to and then their is a link for your free gift through Snapfish. You have to register with Snapfish and they give you a coupon through your account.

The book is good for 1 standard 20-page 8" x 11"custom cover photo book per household. You must also redeem the coupon- in making the book by Sunday, November 16th, 2008 at 11:59 pm PST.

I have never made a photo book but have seen others and they look so neat!


Brooke said...

awesome info! thanks so much!!!!

Cindy said...

I do these every year for Christmas for the grandparents. It is the entire year of the kids and fam. They love them and we now buy an extra one for us. Soooo cute and worth it. Just start now as it can take longer than you expect once you get in there and start playing around. Thanks for the info. I'll be taking advantage of this offer!!!

Heather Rodriguez said...

Yeah, it took me all day! I swear at least two hours!

Amber C. said...

Yeah, it take me a while too! Just finished! It will be worth the work though!