Wednesday, October 29, 2008


Hey girls! My friend Summer and I are going to the library tomorrow if anyone feels like gettin' out. We're going to the one on Champlain and Perrin to the story time at 10:45. Hope to see some of you there. Also, just FYI, we're planning on being there most weeks, so if you can't make it tomorrow, maybe another time. And, if you can come tomorrow, they're having the kids dress up because of Halloween. We're not big Halloween fans, but I was excited for a chance to let the kids go out in their princess dresses that they wear 24/7 and are usually only allowed to wear at home. : ) Have a great day!


Jonna said...

Aw man, it just has to be at the same time as Bible Study, otherwise I would so be there!

Lora said...

I have always wanted to go, but I work on Thursdays...bummer too!