Tuesday, September 9, 2008

So I just made coffee cake

Here's the convo between me and Luke. (have you read my blog? Silly conversations are running rampant at my house lately!)

Luke: What smell? What time is it? (referring to the idea that something smells, so is it lunch time? Yeah...my kids love my cooking.)

Me: It's coffee cake.

Luke: Cake?

Me: Coff-ee cake and you and brother can have some after lunch today.

Luke: Ew, YUCK! I don't like Cough Cake. Cough cake is yucky.


Anyone want to come over for some coffee cake since my kids aren't going to eat it?


Lora said...

Oh my gosh, that is how may dinner went last night. Allie was crying because she did not want to eat what I put in front of her, Sam cried because I did not make salad (strang child I know) and my first batch of mini tarts I made for the fall kick off last night are still stuck in my muffin pan. I am tempted to throw it away!! So, I would love to come over and eat your coffee cake. I love coffee cake!!

Brooke said...

Are you kidding?!?!? Of COURSE I want your coffee cake! Can I get vons.com to deliver it to me though? Hubby has to work tonight. : ) P.S. Lora, I'm dying at your post!