Sunday, October 5, 2008

My Blogs and Upcoming Blog Stuff

Well, Lora asked me to post my blog address. I am not sure which one she wanted so I decided to give them all to you with the breakdown.

NerdFamily Blog- This is my main blog that includes my crazy thoughts on everything that possibly interest me (you were warned;).

NerdFamily Food- My food and reality food tv blog.

NerdFamily Things - About all things that make the NerdFamily go round or just interest us (a lot of books and free internet resources for school).

Making Money, Keeping Money
- All about freebies, coupons and money issues. It also has Contesting Monday that is a list of blog giveaways.

Blog Fresno
- All about the burg!

Now that I got all that out of the way. So there are a couple of things in the New Cov MOPS blog future! Soon we will have a steering team blog roll where you all can follow the many wacky thoughts that the blogging members of the steering team have. Also we hope to be adding the registered members of our MOPS as contributors to this blog. So keep you eyes here for some wild happenings!

(If there is anything else you would like to see here, just drop me a line!)


Lora said...

I do not think you have enought blogs....Ha! Thanks!!

Jonna said...

I just don't know when you have time to post on all these blogs! They are great!